Monday, September 19, 2022

Life an Compassion



image credit: freeimages

Life an compassion
Both are out of fashion
People trample one another
Turn their backs on each other
Don’t have time for a smile
They keep going never knowing
Deep pain you’re never showing
Not realizing that a smile
Could help you hold on awhile

The words of compassion
Are still out of fashion
And life is a daily struggle
A struggle with self and others
So walk another path
So do the figuring do the math
It’s your time to shine
Bring back life bring back compassion 

Boy in the Mirror


image credit: freeimages

Little boy in the mirror
How did you get here from there
I know the path wasn’t all grass
I know you fell on you ass
More than a time or two

But most importantly you got up
most importantly you got free  you’re no longer a prisoner
You’re no longer enslaved enslaved to the things of old
You have fought for freedom
You have fought to be the best
Stand out from the rest

Little boy in the mirror
Now that you have arrived
Now that you have survived
Was the walk worth the steps
Or were your dreams misplaced
Your time a waste

Will you ever really know
Will the scars cease to show
The pain you’ve suffered
The joy you come to show
The freedom you come to know

Have you rejoiced where you are
Your strength has carried you
Showed you what to and not do
Your journey although rough
Showed you to be tough
Little boy in the mirror